Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Raising my Internet Profile

August marks the month of extreme networking…at least in my book.  In August I’ll be visiting two – three schools and also attending a few MBA fairs.  I’m REALLY excited, but at the same time slightly nervous as well.  Although I don’t think every person I meet will GoogleMe....

….I do want to have a presence on the Internet.  In preparation, I’ve decided to make-over my LinkedIN profile.  Not that I have/had anything crazy on there, but I do want my interests to come across more clearly. 

Currently, I just have some positions I held..but  I haven’t filled in any  descriptions.  Therefore I’ve been Googling tips on how to put my best foot forward.  So several weeks ago, while I was at a conference for work, I asked my friend with a GREAT camera (DSLR for the photogeeks) to take a few professional headshots of me.  It may sound slightly vain, but I wanted to have a sleek photo for recruiters/Admission Officers/MBA Students.  I contemplated scheduling a professional photo…but these photos came out great…and were free :-)

As a sidebar (based on some convo's I've had) – once you get into school and possibly receive fellowships/awards, a headshot is usually needed.  So its nice to be ahead of the game. 

My next step this week is to develop a bio, and provide a short description of my previous roles and general interests….all before August 4 (ideally).  Anyways here are a few tips that I picked up along the way…and a few resources to help:

•    Fully complete your Linked-In profile with a bio and descriptions of your currently held positions
•    Provide a professional headshot in your profile
•    If you decide to share your email address, it should be professional (not reminescent of favorite songs/artists etc).  Also, ask yourself do I want LinkedIN emails going to work? (i.e maybe you shouldn’t use your work email)
•    UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE your profile…don’t let it get too stagnant (like mine….)

Additional info:
LinkedIN Tips



mbalady August 2, 2011 at 6:39 PM  

Hi Motown!

You are so right, extreme networking time is here! (EEEK!!)I am doing the same thing funny enough. I have a headshot photo scheduled (later in the month) and will be taking a look at the tips you provide to vamp up my LinkedIn profile.

This is a great post, and something lots of candidates may not pay attention to. Thanks for sharing.

Motown August 3, 2011 at 10:17 AM  

Hey mbalady!
I'm glad I'm not the only person that was concerned about a headshot lol.I felt a little vain but I really like seeing sleek photos. Once you update your profile add me! It'll keep me accountable lol.

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